Class Extension_MatsEndpoint<R,I>

Type Parameters:
R - The reply class of the message generated by this endpoint. (Reply Class)
I - The incoming message class for this endpoint. (Request Class)
All Implemented Interfaces:
org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.AfterEachCallback, org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.BeforeEachCallback, org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.Extension

public class Extension_MatsEndpoint<R,I> extends AbstractMatsTestEndpoint<R,I> implements org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.BeforeEachCallback, org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.AfterEachCallback
Extension to create a single staged endpoint whose reply/processor can be changed throughout its life, i.e. per test (e.g. answer "Sorry, no can do." for the first test, and then "Yes, we can!" for the next test). Useful for mocking endpoints in tests where you need predictable replies, and may also be used to verify that an endpoint was not invoked.

The endpoint processor can be changed on demand using setProcessLambda(ProcessSingleLambda)

Must be annotated with @RegisterExtension.

Retrieve the endpoint's received(incoming) message/messages by calling on of the following methods:

Given a case where one does not expect the endpoint to be invoked (no messages received) one can utilize AbstractMatsTestEndpoint.verifyNotInvoked() to ensure that the endpoint was not in fact invoked during the test.

If no process lambda is specified for the endpoint it will act as a terminator, thus it does not generate a reply.

 public Extension_MatsEndpoint<String, String> _world = Extension_MatsEndpoint.single(endpointFactory, "World",
         String.class, String.class, (context, in) -> in + "World");
Should one want to utilize this test endpoint approach in a test which brings up a Spring context which contains a MatsFactory one can utilize the @SpringInjectRulesAndExtensions (in 'mats-spring-test') which will inject/autowire this class automatically by providing the MatsFactory located in said Spring context.
  • Method Details

    • setMatsFactory

      @Inject public Extension_MatsEndpoint<R,I> setMatsFactory(MatsFactory matsFactory)
      Sets the internal MatsFactory to be utilized for the creation of this endpoint.

      If not utilized explicitly can also be injected/autowired through the use of the test execution listener SpringInjectRulesAndExtensions should this Extension be utilized in a test where a Spring context is in play.

      Specified by:
      setMatsFactory in class AbstractMatsTestEndpoint<R,I>
      matsFactory - to set.
      this instance of the object.
    • setProcessLambda

      public Extension_MatsEndpoint<R,I> setProcessLambda(MatsEndpoint.ProcessSingleLambda<R,I> processLambda)
      Description copied from class: AbstractMatsTestEndpoint
      Specify the processing lambda to be executed by the endpoint aka the endpoint logic. This is typically invoked either as part of the directly inside a test method to setup the behavior for that specific test or once through the initial setup when creating the test endpoint.
      Specified by:
      setProcessLambda in class AbstractMatsTestEndpoint<R,I>
      processLambda - which the endpoint should execute on an incoming request.
    • create

      public static <R, I> Extension_MatsEndpoint<R,I> create(String endpointId, Class<R> replyMsgClass, Class<I> incomingMsgClass)
      Creates a Jupiter Extension for a single-staged endpoint whose processor is not defined at start. Sets it up on JUnit lifecycle 'before' and tears it down on 'after'. Notice that a MatsFactory must be set before it is usable! In a Spring environment, you should probably employ the @SpringInjectRulesAndExtensions to make this happen automagically. In a "pure Java" environment, consider the convenience overload create(Mats_Rule, endpointId, replyClass, incomingClass) to easily supply the corresponding @RegisterExtension Extension_Mats for fetching the MatsFactory.

      Do notice that you need to invoke setProcessLambda(ProcessSingleLambda) - typically inside the @Test method - before sending messages to it, as there is no default.

      endpointId - of the endpoint.
      replyMsgClass - the class of the reply message generated by this endpoint.
      incomingMsgClass - the incoming message class for this endpoint.
      Extension_Mats without a predefined processLambda.
    • create

      public static <R, I> Extension_MatsEndpoint<R,I> create(Extension_Mats matsRule, String endpointId, Class<R> replyMsgClass, Class<I> incomingMsgClass)
      Convenience variant of create(endpointId, replyClass, incomingClass) taking a Extension_Mats as first argument for fetching the MatsFactory, for use in "pure Java" environments (read as: non-Spring).
    • beforeEach

      public void beforeEach(org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ExtensionContext context)
      Specified by:
      beforeEach in interface org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.BeforeEachCallback
    • afterEach

      public void afterEach(org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ExtensionContext context)
      Specified by:
      afterEach in interface org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.AfterEachCallback