Learning Mats3 should be done both by reading documentation, but also explore, experiment, investigate and play around with code.

Explore Mats3 using JBang.

A set of JBang! examples have been created, which can be used as a base for experimenting. JBang’s tagline is: “Lets Students, Educators and Professional Developers create, edit and run self-contained source-only Java programs with unprecedented ease.”, and the idea is that it can run single-source-files which include dependencies. And Mats have a nice MatsJbangKit to help creating such JBang scripts.

Read the Walkthrough

If you haven’t read it yet, the Walkthrough docs goes through the essential features of Mats3.

Source code of Mats3

Also, there’s a page here describing the Mats3 sources and how it is supposed to be nicely organized. There are quite a bit of tests that is worth skimming through - many of them have some JavaDocs and comments which should aid understanding of what is being tested, and how you can employ the features.


Mats have pretty extensive JavaDoc, so when you need something from the API, that’s where you want to go.
